Friday, March 14, 2014


Minecraft adalah suatu permainan yang memerlukan imajinasi. Permainan ini ciri-cirinya adalah membangun sebuah bangunan.

Selain membangun bangunan, ada juga permainan survival. permainan survival adalah permainan yang ada zombienya.

bermacam-macam zombienya. 

Quick Inventory Drop

When taking the items out of your crafting table or chests, use SHIFT+LEFT CLICK to put the item, with all attached to it, into your inventory. Another way to do this quickly is to left click, then right click, and alternate, but this only works for crafting tables.

Quick Switch to Survival Mode

While in Creative mode you can quickly switch to Survival by justpressing the B key on your keyboard. You can switch back by pressing B again.

Nether Bed Bomb

When in the Nether, a powerful weapon is a bed. Place a bed down and try to use it. It will make a huge explosion

Make a Snowman

Ever wanted to see a snowman in Minecraft?
Well, you can! These creatures are called Snow Golems. AKA "Snowmans." Here is how you can easily make one.
1. If you have 1 pumpkin and 2 snow blocks, place a snow block anywhere, and place another one on top of it.
2. After placing the two snow blocks, add the pumpkin on the top.
And then you've just made a Snow Golem/Snowman

Break into the Void

First, create a hole to the Bedrock with a Pickaxe (You may need about 2 for this). Then, Place TNT on the top of the bedrock, all the way up to Layer 127. Explode the TNT, and you've made a hole into the Void.

Easy Enderman Kill

As of patch 1.8+, Endermen have become available/more common, and they drop Ender Pearls, which might have future use (none except mods now!). Just get their attention (put crosshairs on them), and trick them into falling into shallow water. Endermen are killed by water, as well as the sun!

Quick House

Got all of your supplies on the first day, but you don't have time to make a house? Take a door (3 X 2 Woods), mine a short tunnel into the mountain, and place the door so monsters can't get in.
All you have to do from there is expand and decorate (if you're interested.) You can also make an easy mine from this location!
It doesn't look as nice, but it's affordable in terms of supplies like wood!)

How to Find Dungeons Easily

To find dungeons easily you need to block yourself in a little room that you can fit in (better 2 blocks high and 1 block wide). Press the F key or the fog key you set to if you did in the options and rapidly press it. It should make everything but your hand disappear for 1 second. Every time the terrain disappears look for a monster spawner. If you see a monster spawner that's a dungeon. Note: If you are playing version 1.8, if you're in an abandoned mine it can be a cave spider spawner.

Keyboard Command List

Enter these commands on your keyboard for the following effects.
  • ascend - Moves you to the next platform above your position
  • atlantis - Toggles atlantis mode on/off
  • biome - Tells you what biome you are currently in
  • bind {COMMANDPARAMS} - Binds a command to a keyboard button.
  • bindid {ARGS} - Binds a command to a keyboard key using the key id
  • bring [ENTITY] - Brings the specified entity to you.
  • cannon [STRENGTH] - Shoots a primed TNT in the direction you are pointing.
  • chest - Allow access of chests
  • clear - Clears the console
  • clearwater - Toggles water clarity on/off
  • clone [QUANTITY] - Clone..